Private House Concerts BJ Cole & Emily Burridge “Duos for pedal steel guitar & cello”
by on 24.06.2024


Together, BJ Cole and Emily Burridge produce a dynamic energy that has evolved from their complementary musical perspectives.

From the 20th July BJ & I will be out performing our “Private House Concert” set.

Performance Programme

In working together we have created an eclectic repertoire for our concert program including a classical/jazz interpretation of Henry Purcell’s Dido, “Appalachian Spring” by Aaron Copeland, “Clair de Lune” by Claude Debussy. As well as arrangements of standards including ‘Cry me a River’ by Arthur Hamilton

Over the years establishing a strong reputation with our unique musical interpretations and have performed at a number of festivals including:

Kings Place London support act for Seckou Keita and Catrin Finch.

The Flying Guitars Festival at the National Theatre Varadzin, Croatia.

The Aldeburgh Festival, The Wymondham Festival, Glastonbury Festival, The Wirral International Guitar Festival, Birkenhead, The Lewes Guitar Festival, East Sussex and The Rochefort En Accordes Festival, France, Hal’s International Guitar Festival in Croatia, The Convent Club and a recital in 2014 at a concert hall in Dusseldorf, Germany.

The ‘chamber music’ quality of our music is also suited to more intimate settings. The rise in the popularity of ‘House Concerts’ has seen the duo become more active in this area, with performances at Otterton Mill, Devon and several performances organized by Secret Concerts and a very successful Rural Tour of Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire and Leicestershire.

Stream and download their release “Back into the Blue” on itunes


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